If you see honey bees where they don't belong, please tell us, & we can help you connect with a local beekeeper who can rescue the bees and provide a home where they can be safe & productive.
Metro Beekeepers Association (MBA) and it's officers make no representation of the skill or qualifications of any beekeeper, and cannot be held liable for damages or injuries caused by the handling, removal, or transport of honey bees.
It is the responsibility of the beekeeper to operate within all state, federal, and local laws.
Is it a swarm or a hive?
A Swarm of Honey Bees
A swarm of bees is a cluster of bees with no honey comb. A swarm of bees will only stay temporarily because they are looking for a permanent home where they will build honey comb, store honey, and raise more bees. It is very important to report swarms quickly so the bees don't end up in a location where they are not wanted (in a wall, attic, etc). Beekeepers may rescue swarms for only a small fee, sometimes free, depending on how hard it is to retrieve them.

A Hive of Honey Bees
A hive of bees is an established colony with wax comb, but you might not see the comb.
Bees going in and out of a small opening typically means there is a hive in the structure.
A hive can contain 60,000+ bees depending on the season and age of the colony.
Hive removal from a structure can be labor intensive, and most beekeepers will charge a fee.

You can learn more about honey bee removals from Texas Apiary Inspection Service, https://txbeeinspection.tamu.edu/bee-removal/, 979-845-9713 or email TAIS@tamu.edu.
If you are a beekeeper and need to register with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service or want to transport honey bees across county lines click here.