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Welcome to Metro Beekeepers Association

Our mission:

Share good methods of beekeeping and honey production.

Attract and train future beekeepers

Share the importance of bees to plants and the environment.

Promote beekeeping.

Membership is open to the public and consists primarily of backyard & small-scale beekeepers.

General Member meetings are free & open to the public.

2nd Monday of each month, 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm.

(Classes at 5:30 pm are open to paid students only.  See here to join the class.)

We meet at Fort Worth Botanic Garden

3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, Ft Worth, 76107
See map below for parking.

We meet in person, but if you prefer to join online, click this link.

To join by phone without video, call 346-248-7799, 719-359-4580, or 720-707-2699.
Meeting ID: 899 6672 7860,   Passcode: 901423

During the break, we'll have snacks & get to know each other better, & have door prizes.

Thank you to those who bring door snacks & prize items to share!!

If you bring a snack or food to share, then you get an extra ticket for the door prize.
If you donate an item for a door prize, you get TWO extra tickets!
Everyone gets one ticket for attending.
Pick up your tickets at the table when you enter.

Details are below and on our Facebook page.

Become a Member, Renew your Membership, or Enroll in the Class

Whether your becoming a new member, or just renewing your membership, we have some sweet options.

Our next meeting is on March 10, 2025, 6:30pm.


Garett Slater will speak to us about the Honey Bee extension program, Texas Master Beekeeper Program, & drones.
Garett is Apiculture Extension Specialist at Texas A&M University, & has over 25 years of beekeeping experience, including eight years working with a large commercial beekeeping operation in North Dakota.
He decided to pursue research to help beekeepers find sustainable solutions to the high colony losses.
He earned his BS and MS in Biology from North Dakota State University in 2014 before joining the Bee Informed Partnership at the University of Minnesota. There, he worked directly with 30 commercial beekeepers in North Dakota and Texas, helping improve colony health and management.
In 2022, Garett earned his PhD from Purdue University, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship with USDA-ARS at the Honey Bee Breeding Lab in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
In 2024, he joined Texas A&M University as the state's Apiculture Extension Specialist and an Assistant Professor.
His work now focuses on helping beekeepers select and breed better bees for Texas, while also providing education and support to beekeepers statewide through extension programs.

Consider joining the Beginner Beekeeping class for 2025.

The 10 class program is January-October on the 2nd Monday of each month, from 5:30p to 6:20p.
We meet at Fort Worth Botanic Garden, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, Ft Worth, 76107

Learn about hive types, equipment, protective clothing, obtaining & installing bees, inspecting, diagnosing & solving problems, harvesting & sales, benefits of bees & beekeeping, & AG exemptions. There will also be field trip opportunities.
A great book is included.  More info here.

We provide 3 opportunities to attend the class, in-person, online, &/or review materials & video on your schedule.

Join the class by showing up, or using the links above to pay online, or mail payment to Metro Beekeepers, PO Box 79105, Fort Worth, TX, 76179-0105

If you have questions, contact us.

Metro Beekeepers Association prohibits hostile and antagonizing behavior.
This statement may be unnecessary for our kind members & volunteers, but is necessary for our insurance company to accept the reality of the kindness of our members & volunteers.