You have a Hive of Bees on your hands!
Let's see if anyone is available to assess the situtaion.
Removing a beehive can be a challenging endeavor depending on the obstacles present. A strong colony can have over 50,000 honey bees present and cumulatively weigh over 100 pounds depending on the season and age of the hive. Please provide as much information as possible and your request will be sent to our members who are looking to do bee hive removals; often called cut-outs.
Typically a beekeeper will charge a fee for this type of service varying on the degree of difficulty. Please provide as much information as possible with out jeopardizing your safety.
The information submitted will be sent out to members of the Metro Beekeepers Association; they may contact you via phone call, text, or email so please be available to discuss the situation with them.